Papers [manuscript]. 1823-1992.


Papers [manuscript]. 1823-1992.

The papers relate to members of Anne Edgeworth's family, chiefly her grandfather Sir Tannatt Edgeworth David, her grandmother Caroline David, her mother Margaret Edgeworth McIntyre, and her aunt Mary Edgeworth David. All the series contain family correspondence. Correspondents include Mary David, the Edgeworth Davids, the McIntyres, Anne Edgeworth, and all family members. The Edgeworth David component includes honours, letters of sympathy and tributes after his death, photographs, articles by and about him, and reprints of some of his papers. The Funafuti diary, "the unscientific account of a scientific expedition", and material on the Samurai sword are an important part of Caroline David's papers. Margaret McIntyre's papers include her writings and papers on community schools and centres. Mary David's papers have a large component of letters to her niece Anna Edgeworth. Handwritten drafts and illustrated typescripts of the unpublished "Letters to Meg" are an interesting part of the collection. Consists of correspondence between John Edward (Ned) Touche (formerly Touch) and the David Family during the years 1889 to 1943. There are also newspaper clippings about David, a reprint of one of his papers, handwritten copies of a "Sydney morning herald" article "Formation of coral reefs" and of a poem, and 3 sketches of coral reefs by David.

2.2 m. (13 boxes) + 1 folio.


SNAC Resource ID: 7077926

Libraries Australia

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David family. (family)

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